Free PDF The 12th Planet
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It has been predicted and foretold that cataclysmic events will occur in this December. Our Earth's crust will move, continents will shift. The poles will reverse. Many if not most of the people living on Earth will die. Only a select few will survive. This will all happen as the 12th Planet, the Planet X or Niburu, a planet four times the size of Jupiter, comes closer to Earth. Sources say Niburu is now behind the sun so we cannot see it. When its orbit brings it around so we can see it, it will become shot out like a slingshot. Its gravity will catch a hold of Antarctica and drag it northward bringing the South Pole up to what is now the tip of Brazil. Authorities say that the President or the United States is about to make an announcement of these facts but the announcement has been postponed for fear of spreading panic. But is this really true What is the scientific basis for this Planet X is the 12th Planet because there are nine planets previously known, plus there is the sun and the moon. Now we know about Nibiru, so Nibiru is the 12th planet. But is this really true Is there really a 12th Planet Now that we have proven as much as any such thing can be proven that life did not originate on Earth but on another planet, we come to the question of Planet X or Niburu. Will the gravitational forces of this planet destroy our life on Earth as we know it and, if so, when If this is going to happen a thousand years from now or even a hundred years from now we need not be much concerned about it. However, according to those who have had access to new translations of the works of the ancient Sumerians, it will happen at the end of this year, right now. If this is the case, what should we do about it, or should we not worry about it, since there is nothing we can do anyway SKRILLEX - RIGHT ON TIME (12TH PLANET & KILL THE NOISE Download this song: bitly/w1BFrv or bitly/uGoZeE The Official Web Site of Zecharia Sitchin Author of The 12th Planet and several other books in the Earth Chronicles series Sitchin argues that the deities of the ancient Near East were real live ancient Nibiru - SitchinIsWrong Nibiru Sitchin's Nibiru Hypothesis Those familiar with either the writings of Zecharia Sitchin or the current internet rantings about the return of Planet X The 12th Planet - bibliotecapleyadesnet Return to Temas / Libros-Tratados Return to Temas / La Tierra Return to Nibiru - Planeta X 12th Planet Skrillex Kill The Noise - Burst ft Gmcfosho Skrillex - Recess with Kill the Noise Fatman Scoop and Michael Angelakos [AUDIO] - Duration: 3:59 Skrillex 51768014 views The 12th Planet - bibliotecapleyadesnet "This book suggests that we are not alone in the solar system Yet it may enhance rather than diminish the faith in a universal Almighty for if the Nibiru The 12th Planet The Nephilim & The Creation Of Nibiru is Sumerian for 12th Planet From ancient Sumerian texts there was a description that our creators came from a yet discovered planet that enters our Solar The Myth of a Sumerian 12th Planet - Michael S Heiser The Myth of a Sumerian 12 th Planet: Nibiru According to the Cuneiform Sources Michael S Heiser PhD candidate Hebrew Bible and Ancient Semitic Languages 12 Planets in Sumerian Thought? - SitchinIsWrong 12 Planets in Sumerian Thought? Does the cylinder seal above convey the fact that the Sumerians who fashioned it knew of 12 planets in our solar system? PLANET X NIBIRU ANCIENT ASTRONAUTS NASA MARS EARTH All the people of the ancient world considered the periodic nearing of the 12th Planet as a sign of great upheavals great changes
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